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New Year, New Format

Hello my dedicated followers! I hope this post finds you well. As I am sure most of you know, the new year is bringing a new format to the blog. Jen (my mobility coach and friend) and I have been planning a podcast for the past six months and we finally decided the new year would be the best time to launch. We will be [hopefully] launching with videos and audio, but as of right now we are still working out the logistics of doing both simultaneously. This isn't my first rodeo when it comes to podcasts, but I want to make sure we have updated equipment to make the post-production more efficient. Therefore, our hard launch date is tentatively planned for February 2023.

I will still plan on writing a bit of an addendum to each podcast upload, if it's appropriate. So, if you like reading about what is going on in the world of THE Strongcreature Nation, then this new format shouldn't disappoint. However, if you, like many of us, are incredibly busy and it just seems easier to listen to podcasts while commuting, then this is going to be a major upgrade!

Regardless, I want to make sure that the upcoming events are easily accessible, so here is what is planned this year:

Strongman For Everyone Seminar - January 29, 2023

Grind & Gainz Podcast - February 2023

Hosting site TBD

SwordStrong KC 2023 - May 6th 2023

Tickets [Strongman Competition ONLY] sold here:

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